Tools: Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe In Design, Adobe After Effects
Role: Production Designer
While working at PlayStation I was part of the Production Design team. I created assets for the PlayStation store, both web and console assets. This ranged from illustrations for campaigns to photo manipulation for existing art for film and video games. Below are concepts of campaigns that were chosen and live on the PlayStation Store both globally, and region specific.
Video Game Marketing ‘Beauty Shots’:
The following are some titles I was able to create beauty shots to promote the game’s incentives for pre-order or purchasing the game once released.
Binge Marathon Campaign:
The purpose for this was to draw in PlayStation console users to a movie sale, while keeping it playfully irreverent and vibrant. I took aspects of different movies and snacks and laid them out like an arsenal. This was drawn in Photoshop and Procreate.
Out of this World Campaign:
This campaign as live on the PlayStation console store. I was given little direction besides the title of the campaign and sketched up this iteration and was approved by the client. Below are few of the various asset sizes.
Children’s Day 2019 Campaign:
This campaign was a region specific request. Children’s Day is a Latino American Holiday, and was only set to run for Brazil areas. I was also asked to export for the Brazilian Game Show for print. This was proved to be tricky because we had to adapt to a more wider range of an audience than specifically “Children” who are buying the games on the PlayStation Network store.